ENLYZE for C-Level

ENLYZE for C-Level

ENLYZE for C-Level

Make the right decisions. Informed by machine data.

Make the right decisions. Informed by machine data.

Make the right decisions. Informed by machine data.

With ENLYZE, you capture your production data and make it usable for the entire company.

With ENLYZE, you capture your production data and make it usable for the entire company.

With ENLYZE, you capture your production data and make it usable for the entire company.

The pressure on industry executives has never been greater.

The pressure on industry executives has never been greater.

Facing rising electricity costs, a shortage of skilled workers, and fluctuating orders? Your profit margins are under pressure, and sales forecasts need recalibration. The economic landscape isn't what it used to be.

Discover hidden potentials now to safeguard profitability.

Electricity prices are rising. Skilled workers are missing. And the orders are dwindling. Your margin is melting away and sales forecasts need to be corrected. The economic situation was once rosier.

That's why it's especially important right now to uncover previously invisible potentials in order to secure profitability.

Stay competitive, with ENLYZE

Uncover losses and increase profitability

Discover the greatest losses in your operrations and save real money.

Increase performance and quality despite the shortage of skilled workers

Enable your operators to produce around the clock with optimal performance and quality,

Drive product development based on data

Equip your development with data to develop new processes faster.

Pilot project without
IT resources as a subscription model

Test ENLYZE for 6 months and only €25,000 and start saving real money in the first month.

Capture and analyze manufacturing data with ENLYZE

Möchtest Du sehen, wie genau ENLYZE funktioniert? In unserer Produkt-Tour geben wir Dir einen kurzen Einblick.

So geht datenbasierte Fertigung

Erkunde ENLYZE auf eigene Faust

Keine Zeit für eine Demo? Dann nutze unsere Produkt-Tour.

Wir schicken Dir einen Link zur Tour per Mail

The results speak for themselves.

Since 2020, we have been working with DUO PLAST AG.

"With ENLYZE, we get a whole new perspective on productivity. Considering all process parameters, we are able to quickly realize improvements without endangering process stability."

Detlef Kaase





additional gross profit
per year


Average performance increase

10 t/a

Material savings through waste avoidance

Interactive Product Tour

5 Min.

Available immediately without registration

Discover app functions

Only available on desktop devices

Best choice

Personal Conversation

15 Min.

Discuss the needs of your production

Discover if ENLYZE is the right solution for your company.

Short tour of the product

book appointment

Two ways to get to know ENLYZE

Choose your preferred way to get to know ENLYZE.

Two ways to get to know ENLYZE

Choose your preferred way to get to know ENLYZE.

Interactive Product Tour

5 Min.

Available immediately without registration

Discover app functions

Only available on desktop devices

Best choice

Personal conversation

15 Min.

Discuss the needs of your production

Discover if ENLYZE is the right solution for your company.

Short tour of the product

Two ways to get to know ENLYZE

Choose your preferred way to get to know ENLYZE.

Interactive Product Tour

5 Min.

Available immediately without registration

Discover app functions

Only available on desktop devices

Best choice

Personal conversation

15 Min.

Discuss the needs of your production

Discover if ENLYZE is the right solution for your company.

Short tour of the product