With ENLYZE, you'll keep everything in view
Visualization of deviating process parameters for quick interventions
If it is not manufactured according to specifications, you will be immediately informed and can prevent worse.
Automatic detection of downtimes
Understand how long your equipment is actually idle or down and what causes are responsible for it.
Stress-free multi-machine operation
Give your operators the ability to keep an eye on the most important parameters across multiple machines.
Understanding and fixing causes of recurring problems
Understand the main drivers for losses on your shopfloor. Not based on hearsay but on facts and data.
The results speak for themselves.
Since 2020, we have been working with DUO PLAST AG.
"In the past, when problems arose, there would always be a big discussion. Much of it was pure speculation. That's why the proposed solutions didn't always lead to success.
Now, when we encounter such a problem, we take a quick look at the app, quickly understand what has happened, and confirm or refute assumptions. This allows us to arrive at meaningful solution approaches more quickly. Overall, we gradually increase productivity in production step by step."
Alexander Kaunath
Plant manager, DUO PLAST AG
additional raw profit
per year
Average performance improvement
10 t/a
Material savings through waste reduction