Data should provide solutions, not create problems. However, they are often scattered, incomplete, or unstructured. The result: analyses are cumbersome and insights remain elusive.
With the new integration of the ENLYZE Manufacturing Data Platform™ into Microsoft Power BI, you now get the best of both worlds: real-time machine data and one of the strongest tools for data visualization.
Does your company already use Power BI for reporting? With the ENLYZE Power BI integration, you seamlessly integrate your production metrics into existing workflows. All relevant data centralized, clear, and ready for decision-making. Your management will love it – and you will save valuable time.
What’s in it for you? Data silos are a thing of the past
With the ENLYZE Power BI Integration, you bring your machine and production data from the ENLYZE Manufacturing Data Platform directly into Power BI and can enrich it with additional data here, creating custom reports and dashboards – all quickly and easily.
Create tailored reports for your specific challenges. This leads to completely new insights: How do production performance and energy costs correlate? Which material batches lead to the highest production scrap? With ENLYZE and PowerBI, you gain the insights you need to work more efficiently and achieve better results – without complicated IT projects or special developments.
Connect Power BI with the ENLYZE Manufacturing Data Platform

Overview of the transmission of OEE-relevant data for individual systems in Power BI
4 main advantages of the ENLYZE Power BI Integration:
Data readily available: No waiting on IT. Your production data is available to you in Power BI with just a few clicks.
Limitless visualization possibilities: From OEE to energy consumption to production costs – you decide which use case is important, combine the relevant data, and create tailored reports.
More clarity: Combine machine data with ERP, financial, or energy data and discover new relationships. Join our webinar series to see how we implement use cases for costing, energy consumption, and carbon footprint.
Easy reporting: Everything in one tool – In the future, you can also implement your production reporting in Power BI, eliminating annoying switches between different platforms for your reporting.
End data silos and start achieving real results. Whether you want to increase your productivity, reduce your carbon footprint, or optimize manufacturing costs – with ENLYZE and Power BI, you are ready for data-driven improvements.
Webinar Series: Get more from your machine data: Expertly implement analyses in Power BI
In four 30-minute power sessions, we will show you how to connect ENLYZE with Power BI, use your machine data for analyses and reports in Power BI, and unlock data-driven added value:
Webinar: Introduction and guide to the new Power BI integration
Webinar: In a production controlling use case, we will show you how to perform precise costing based on actual consumption and subsequently examine your product portfolio for profitability.
Webinar: In an energy monitoring use case, we will demonstrate how to capture the real energy consumption for each manufacturing order, determine the specific energy usage for your products, and take the next step in energy monitoring.
Webinar: Building on the energy monitoring use case, we will show in this webinar how to create the product carbon footprint (PCF) for your product portfolio, thus staying up to date in the field of sustainability reporting.
If these topics are of interest to you, sign up now or share the link with your colleagues who are responsible for this area.
Why ENLYZE? Data instead of guessing!
ENLYZE makes your machine data accessible – directly from the PLC and sensors, regardless of whether your system supports OPC or not. Our comprehensive connector portfolio ensures seamless connectivity, even in heterogeneous machine environments. This paves the way for digital manufacturing.
Our platform delivers normalized, enriched real-time production data and ensures that you always receive precise, reliable insights into your production. IT/OT data silos are a thing of the past – optimization potentials become quickly, data-driven, and efficiently visible.
This means for you:
Reliable data: Get real-time data that accurately depicts your shop floor. Thanks to the Power BI connector, you receive reliable results in Power BI reports – ideal for executives, finance, sustainability and production managers, process engineers, data analysts, and quality assurance managers.
Unlimited application possibilities: Machine data provides added value for almost every department of a manufacturing company. By enriching it with additional data in Power BI and visualizing it flexibly, the use cases are virtually limitless – from production costs to energy monitoring to ESG analyses.
Quick start: All you need is Power BI and ENLYZE – no complicated integrations, no technical jargon.
Scalable on demand: No matter how big your vision for the shop floor is – the solution grows with it and helps you maximize the value of machine data.
Getting started with the ENLYZE Power BI integration is that simple
ENLYZE users can start here. The integration is installed in just a few clicks:
Install Power BI Desktop
Download the ENLYZE Power BI connector and follow the simple installation instructions.
Connect your production data and start creating your individual dashboards.
Our support team is of course available to assist you with setup and integration.
Not an ENLYZE user yet? Talk to our sales team for a free consultation on machine data analysis.
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