How to choose the right OEE software (+ provider comparison)

OEE Dashboards: 4 Examples with Excel, PowerBI, Grafana & Co.

Julius Scheuber

Julius Scheuber










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Calculating OEE manually eventually becomes tiresome. Especially when comparing over time periods, products, or locations, Excel spreadsheets are flying around you.

Fortunately, there are now many ways to calculate OEE automatically using machine data. One of these options is OEE software.

To help you choose the right software, we have summarized the most important considerations in this article. 

If you want to directly compare the providers, you can jump to the end of the article here ↓

We have compared these OEE software providers:

    Calculates OEE from machine data with access to all process data, enabling cause analysis and OEE improvement. Can be easily used and adjusted by production. Best-in-class solution.

  2. OEE.AI
    Calculates OEE using retrofitted sensors, without extensive incorporation of process parameters. This makes it quickly deployable, but it lacks cause analysis using process data.

  3. MPDV Hydra
    Offers comparable OEE functions, but with extremely long implementation times and high costs. Adjustments can only be made by IT, not by production, which often takes months to years.

OEE Software: These are the 6 criteria you should definitely consider

In the meantime, there are numerous providers of OEE software, especially in the German-speaking region.

However, these providers differ so greatly that a comparison can only be made with significant time investment.

Therefore, we have created a catalog of six criteria to help you with your selection:

  1. Functionality

  2. Future viability

  3. Integration with existing systems

  4. User friendliness and training

  5. Support

  6. Implementation duration & price

You can also download this catalog as an Excel file here. If that seems too complex, feel free to book a 30-minute consultation with our team to find a solution together.

A free OEE software is, for example, Excel. Although it incurs no additional costs, you pay with your time and missed optimization opportunities - we therefore recommend avoiding this approach.

1. Functionality: Does the software meet the OEE needs of my plant?

The first question is self-explanatory. Does the tool have the OEE functionalities so that the software is economically viable in the long term?

To find this out, you should ask yourself these questions:

Is the solution suitable for my manufacturing process? 

There are different requirements for an OEE solution depending on whether products

  • are produced discontinuously (e.g., CNC, injection molding)

  • batch production is carried out (e.g., rubber manufacturing, dough production) 

  • or produced continuously (e.g., extrusion)

In the first step, it should therefore be examined what types of processes are present. You can find more about OEE calculation for continuous processes here.

Is OEE and its components (availability, performance, quality) calculated separately, and can these be examined individually? 

Usually, the reason for acquiring OEE software is the desire for a higher OEE. However, you can only improve OEE if you can examine the individual components in detail, thus determining where the biggest levers for improvement lie.

Can OEE be calculated at the relevant aggregation levels: order, machine, location, and entire company?

Ideally, you should cover all detail levels from the OEE calculation of a location to the analysis of individual machines and their orders. This way, you can perform the entire analysis within one software and derive the correct measures within a few hours.

Can loss catalogs for availability, performance, and quality be created to systematically capture losses?

To ensure that not everyone in the plant is naming things differently, there should be a uniform data basis. However, this can only be achieved if a catalog of losses is established in advance from which workers can choose.

Why is this important? If everyone categorizes losses uniformly, you can compare them over time periods and machines. Additionally, it saves workers time, as capturing with catalogs is quicker.

Are the data available live for analyses to proactively respond to problems?

If there is, for example, a prolonged downtime, the incident should be escalated immediately to prevent further losses. This is only possible with real-time data.

Are there functions for root cause analysis of production downtimes? 

Ideally aligned with the framework of the 6 Big Losses to identify levers for improvement.

How ENLYZE covers these functions

In short, we cover these functions from A to Z. However, our solution is specifically suitable for continuous processes - we only partially cover batch production.

2. Future Viability: Can the tool grow with your requirements?

Calculating OEE for a few similar machines is easy. Many providers of OEE software can do this very well and cost-effectively.

However, most productions want to not only calculate OEE but also:

  • Understand and resolve the causes of downtimes, performance losses, and quality issues

  • Connect multiple locations with partly older machines

  • Utilize machine data for additional purposes, e.g., traceability or energy optimization

However, most tools are limited to calculating OEE - simply calculating it does not help anyone. Therefore, you should consider your future requirements when making your choice.

How is OEE calculated? Can I also use the collected data for other applications?

See above.

How easy is it to roll out the solution to additional machines?

It’s best to ask for concrete examples from customers who started small and are now using the product on a large scale. Can you talk to the customers to hear their experiences firsthand?

Is OEE captured at the order, machine, and site level?

Many solutions do not cover all three detail levels, making the use at different locations unreasonable.

Can the system be configured by production, or are IT/external service providers necessary?

To perfectly tailor the tool to your requirements, small changes are almost always necessary. Your production should be able to implement these adjustments without costly consultants or lengthy IT tickets.

Is ENLYZE equipped for my future requirements?

In short, yes. ENLYZE not only calculates OEE but also allows for a detailed root cause analysis based on machine data.

You can use the collected machine data alongside OEE, for instance, for traceability or production monitoring, or analyze the data in tools like PowerBI and Minitab.

In this way, ENLYZE grows with your requirements.

3. Compatibility: Does the OEE software work with my existing machines and systems?

No one needs another isolated solution that is not compatible with existing systems. Because this way, the manual effort remains high and usability is limited.

With these questions, you can find out more about the provider's compatibility:

How is the data for calculating OEE collected?

For calculating OEE, data on downtimes, product-based performances, and scrap is required. Each provider will collect this data, but the question is, how?

Our recommendation: As much as possible, these data should be collected automatically based on machine data. Only in this way will the data be available in real-time (proactive action), be error-free, and accurately reflect the happenings on the shop floor.

Does the OEE software offer connectors for all data sources, or do additional providers have to translate protocols to OPC UA etc.?

Here, you should consider which data sources will be relevant for the OEE calculation and which will be added in the future. What interfaces do today’s machines have?

If the OEE software cannot access these data sources, additional costs and efforts for connectivity providers will arise. A jumble of providers can quickly emerge.

Can product and order information also be captured and processed? 

Only by linking process data with the respective order and product can OEE be accurately calculated. And only in this way can you identify "problematic products" and product-related issues. Ideally, the OEE software integrates directly with your ERP and MES systems to feed this data back into these systems.

Are there open and documented interfaces to utilize the data in other systems? Can the data be exported?

The data you collect for OEE calculation is also relevant for numerous other applications (traceability, production monitoring, controlling, etc.). 

If the OEE software offers open interfaces and data exports, it can grow with your requirements in the future. Without these options, the data would have to be collected again for new applications - leading to costly isolated solutions.

How ENLYZE integrates with your systems

Within a week, we integrate ENLYZE with ERP and MES to link product and order data with machine data, thus enabling an accurate OEE calculation.

Thanks to open interfaces and data export, you can also work with your data in other systems like PowerBI, Grafana, Minitab, etc.

4. Usability: Will your team use the software daily?

The OEE software is worth what your employees make of it. The best software will not advance you if it is so complicated that no one uses it.

For usability, you should pay attention to the following:

Is the user interface intuitive and easy to understand? 

Can the provider provide you with a test access so that you can try things out in the tool? Only then will you see how easy the software is to use.

Are training or tutorials available?

Find out how your team will be trained and what materials (articles, videos, etc.) are available for self-learning.

Is the solution mobile accessible or only on HMIs?

The most flexible solution is usually the browser-based app, which can be securely used from any type of device with internet access.

Is ENLYZE user-friendly?

Of course, we are biased. But we would claim to be one of the most user-friendly OEE tools on the market. You’ll see this best in our interactive product tour (only works on desktop devices).

In addition, we train your employees at the beginning and provide detailed support materials that explain various functions.

5. Support & Maintenance: What if something goes wrong?

When there are problems with the software, a solution should be found quickly. In addition, you should ensure that the software is regularly updated to close security gaps.

Here’s what you should pay attention to:

What types of support are offered (phone, email, chat, on-site)?

Even more importantly, how quickly are your requests addressed (see SLAs).

Are there service level agreements (SLAs)?

Anyone can claim to provide good support. Service level agreements legally establish the conditions, thereby securing good support for you legally.

How are software updates and maintenance notices provided?

Is it a SaaS software that continuously evolves, or a one-time purchased software for which each additional update and support must be purchased separately?

How does support & maintenance work at ENLYZE?

At ENLYZE, we leave the choice up to our customers. Some prefer close support, while others like to work independently using our documentation. New features are developed multiple times a year and do not need to be paid for separately.

6. Implementation & Price: How much does the software cost and how quickly can we get to work?

We intentionally address the cost and implementation points last. Because those who only focus on the price end up with a solution that offers no added value. Thus, even the cheapest, fastest tool is a pure waste of money.

When it comes to implementation and costs, you should pay attention to the following:

How long does it take for the tool to be ready for use?

Ideally, this should be substantiated by the seller with examples from similar customers.

What are the total costs (Total Cost of Ownership)? 

Conduct a thorough cost analysis, including licensing fees, implementation costs, integration costs, hardware costs, training fees, and ongoing maintenance costs. 

Particularly when additional connectivity solutions are necessary, both licensing and integration costs increase.

How do costs evolve with more users, data sources, and functions?

Many providers offer low entry prices. Caution is advised here: even in 2-3 years, when usage and complexity of the solution increase, the costs should still be economically sensible.

Think one step further and plan the possible costs for a larger rollout.

How much does ENLYZE cost and how long does implementation take?

The costs depend on the number of connected machines. You pay a fixed price for using our solution, as well as a variable price based on the number of machines.

Implementing ENLYZE takes less than two weeks.