If you register for the link of a past event, you will gain access to the recording of the webinar.
About the webinar:
The webinar shows the relevant steps for a successful implementation of machine data collection.
Data ≠ Answers 📊 🔍
Data alone does not provide answers; it must be structured, analyzed, and contextualized, only then can insights be gained.
For the successful use of machine data, the following four steps are necessary:
Connectivity: Extract data, ensure accessibility.
Prepare & structure data: Find the right data, model the data.
Enrich data with context: Complement machine data with relevant information.
Analysis tools for manufacturing: Enable fast, simple analyses.
How these can be concretely implemented, what typical pitfalls are, and what best practices exist, you will learn in the webinar.
Can't make it to this date?
Still register! You will automatically receive the recording and all slides.
See you then!
Julius Scheuber
Product manager and co-founder of ENLYZE