If you register for the link of a past event, you will gain access to the recording of the webinar.
About the webinar:
Unexplained production errors, increased customer complaints, and no one knows what’s wrong? With ENLYZE, ambiguity is a thing of the past.
In the first part of our webinar series, our co-founder and product manager Julius will take you on a journey through the ENLYZE app. We will showcase one of the most commonly used applications by our customers:
How production errors can be easily analyzed and sustainably resolved using machine data.
Julius will demonstrate, among other things:
Comparing different production orders of the same product and identifying notably poor orders
Searching process data and analyzing notable process parameters
Resolving production errors and tracking improvements
We look forward to seeing you! After registering on our website, you will soon receive the link to the Teams invitation.
Julius Scheuber
Product manager and co-founder of ENLYZE
Past webinars:
Mache mehr aus deinen Maschinendaten: Analysen in Power BI gekonnt umsetzen
webinar 1
12.2.2025 - um 15 uhr
Einführung und Anleitung zur neuen ENLYZE Integration mit Power BI
webinar 2
26.2.2025 - um 15 uhr
Energieverbrauch pro Fertigungsauftrag erfassen — mit ENLYZE und Power BI
webinar 3
19.2.2025 - um 15 uhr
Produktionskosten effizient im Griff behalten mit ENLYZE & Power BI
webinar 4
5.3.2025 - um 15 uhr
Nachhaltigkeit in Zahlen: Den CO₂-Fußabdruck deiner Produkte berechnen
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